

Holton Buggs. 20 years of success

Holton Buggs is one of the most important MLM legends; he has stood out as a leader in the sector for the last 20 years thanks to his dynamism, intelligence and innovative mind. 

Holton’s first experience in network marketing was with the Amway Company, where he acquired all his sales knowledge, which he applied to multiply his earnings by a factor of 10. However, this was only the beginning of his story. Today, he has led teams of over 100,000 people, generating over $100,000,000 in profits. 

Learn more about Holton Buggs.

Holton Buggs, with over 29 years of experience, has become an icon in the network marketing industry. But that wasn’t always the case. 

During his first 7 years in network marketing, Holton never generated more than $500 a month, and his teams were no bigger than 50 people. Nevertheless, he never gave up. 

With hard work and dedication over the last 10 years, Holton has built a network of more than 3 million members, generating revenues of up to 3 billion dollars. In addition to this, during his career he has mentored more than 45 people who are now millionaires. 

Holton developed an audio series called “How to Turn Your Network Marketing Business into a Cash Cow”, which became one of the most relevant business tools in the world among distributors. He was also featured in the “Multi-Millionaire” edition of “Millionaire” magazine and was the first distributor to be featured on the cover of Network Times magazine.  

Holton’s sales expertise, business ethics, high moral standards and passion for teaching and motivating people to change their lives have made him one of the most admired industry leaders in the world, an example of success and a role model for millions. 

What is his story?

When Buggs recalls his early years, memories of his mother working day and night to keep the family afloat come to mind, while he had to stay in a day care centre where the education and health standards were not the best, but it was all his mother could afford at the time. 

At the age of 14, Holton developed his first venture selling candy at his school, a business that boomed as he began buying candy in bulk and hiring people to sell it for him. One of them was Earlen Lilly, his best friend and current life partner.  

Buggs graduated from college eager to take on the world, but soon realised that an engineer’s salary did not meet his expectations and would not lead him to the financial freedom he so desired. 

So, at the age of 27, Holton and his wife Earlene decided to start selling cabinets. However, although at the beginning everything started going well, soon the economic crisis caught up with them, and they quickly went bankrupt. 

Holton knew he had to do something different, he knew that following the path society had laid out for him would not achieve great things. It was then that, through a friend, he learned about network marketing and began to work in this modality. 

Although in the beginning Holton’s organisation did not exceed 50 people, and everyone around him, including his wife, thought it was a waste of time, he never gave up. Holton continued learning and working tirelessly until he achieved his goal. 

For the first 7 years, Holton never made more than $500 a month. However, he never missed a meeting, he knew that this knowledge was the foundation for something much bigger, and so it was. 

Holton compares himself to a bamboo, a tree that spends years strengthening its roots through slow growth underground without much result on the outside, until one day and being strong enough it grows to 100 metres in a few short years. 

Holton Buggs’ ventures in network marketing. 

After 18 years working in the industry, Holton had the experience and relationships necessary to take off. 

Holton first started out as a coffee marketer. At first, he was sceptical, unable to see how this beverage could be the change he needed in life, but after a few attempts and thanks to the encouragement of his mother and wife, he was convinced and started selling Organo Gold, becoming Vice President and Head of Sales for the company.

But it didn’t stop there. In March 2019, Holton launched iBüümerang, his own network marketing and travel company.

With this new venture, Holton would completely change the market model that has been in place until now. The basis of iBüümerang is the customer, the main mission is to provide a first-class experience at all times, and to create the network marketing industry’s first Perpetual Residual Income Generator (PRIB). 

The business was a success, attracting over 24,000 people in its first month, as well as achieving exceptional growth figures in its first year, ranking in Business for Home’s listing as one of the 18 fastest growing companies of 2019.

Images: Holton Buggs

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