One of the leaders in network marketing who is currently standing out in Latin America is Jose Estrella, who, with OmegaPro, is achieving remarkable results.
The secret of Jose Estrella’s success is based on the belief that every dream can be achieved and on a conscientious, determined and energetic work methodology.
Jose was born into a family with few resources, in what he prefers to call “a situation of scarcity”.
For Jose, people are not rich, nor are they poor, but they go through temporary situations. According to Jose Estrella’s philosophy, with your actions you can change your situation for the better or for the worse: in other words, achieving success now doesn’t free you from going back to being in a situation of scarcity if you don’t take care of your current situation. This approach is also one of his strengths as he reinforces to all the people he mentors that they should be aware that their results are the product of their work, that they should keep working and planning for the future and not take the wealth they have achieved for granted.
Jose was born into a family with few resources, in what he prefers to call “a situation of scarcity”. He grew up thinking that a career would be the solution to improve his situation, to change to a state of abundance, and he worked hard to get a good job in the mining industry. However, Jose soon realised that there was a limit to how far he could grow, and his current state was not what he wanted.
That was the moment when Jose decided to become an entrepreneur.
As a small businessman, he learned a lot, but with a lot of hits and losses. Luckily, or rather by character, Jose took these failures as a base from which to grow and not as a sign that he should return to a salaried position. He only should find a new source of income while he recovered his business. This is how Jose came to know what was to become his true vocation.
Jose Estrella not only got to know network marketing as a business model, but he also came into contact with personal development, coaching, leadership, and his life really changed forever. Today, Jose Estrella has not only become an efficient entrepreneur and sales expert in just a few years, but his best developed facet, and the one that is making a real impact, is that of coach and mentor.
Jose began by creating entrepreneurship in regions of his country, Peru, where there was a great need. There, in a short time, he managed to boost the careers of more than 200 entrepreneurs who are, in turn, creating changes in their environment. But Jose Estrella’s work extends to several Latin American countries, and more and more people are improving their situation by learning from him.
It is in his role as a mentor that Jose is becoming more and more comfortable. He is a recurrent organiser of personal growth and business retreats, experiences that he designs especially to bring about a change in the mentality and character of the people who attend, in order to tackle any of their goals, whether professional or personal, in a more confident, determined and resolute way.
Jose Estrella is currently working on a platform of training content that deals with diverse and useful topics, such as investments, digital finance, leadership, development, mindset, business and sales, among others. Concepts aimed at enabling anyone to improve their financial situation, grow as a sales professional, or simply feed their mind to develop any project they wish with the best possible attitude.
Images: José Estrella